Thursday 31 January 2019

A woman is like a tea bag- you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.

She is a “WOMEN”

She has the strength which amazes a man.She leaves her home behind , changes her name and builds a new home with you , gets pregnant which changes her body she gets fat , almost gives up due to pain during the birth of your child .She has the endurance of working 24 hours a day without any leaves and salary serving her family , bringing up her children , cleaning , cooking , taking care of your parents.
She smiles even when she doesn’t want to , however her eyes expressing all her grief and sufferings and her dreams which she sacrificed as a daughter , a wife ,a mother at different stages of life sometimes at the cost of her own health ,dreams and beauty.She has the strength to face all the troubles and burden without a word of complaint.
She is the most beautiful , delicate yet a very strong creation of god who stands and fights what she believes in.

But it’s time that women realize their worth. You are not the embodiment of sacrifices , puppet of the patriarchal society or lustful desire of a man , you are a zephyr- a new breeze, you should be cherished with the same love and respect which you give to everyone. It’s time you realize that your dreams are worth fulfilling just like a man’s dream.It’s time you realize that no man in this world is worth your tears.It’s time to love and respect yourself and let nobody hurt your integrity. Chase your dreams and fulfill them as you are no less than a man , make your own decisions about your life, career , life partner. Be happy because only a happy woman can keep her family happy.

Dear men, respect and love all the women in your life not only because she worth it but because it is not easy to be a women!

Tuesday 29 January 2019


That clock is going to keep on ticking even if you don’t. Time is the one thing that everybody on this planet has in common. The clock keeps moving, regardless. So do what it does and keep going. If you are struggling, keep going, if things are great, keep going, the clock will never stop and neither should you.

Determine one thing that you have put off because you told yourself you don’t have time and get going on it right away. Sleep a little less, be more efficient, say no to something else, but stop using time as an excuse. We all have the same amount of it, the only variable is your ability to master it.

You can’t get angry and frustrated if you don’t see the results you were hoping to achieve but you can’t give up – keep pushing that rock up the hill. You are going to have setbacks, distractions, delays, issues and challenges, but if you STOP so does the achievement of your goals.

Monday 28 January 2019

"Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently"-Henry Ford

Failure is a part of process necessary in learning and progressing ,it is unavoidable.People who choose to fail and learn from their mistakes develop ideas,thoughts,and personality traits.those people who avoid failures develop a fear of them and life failing the pursuit of knowledge .Failing is giving yourself the opportunity to learn .So often failure does not receive enough credit for what it merits.So many people have successfully grasped and understanding of the term and have use it to develop their thinking .Society has effectively portrayed the term failure with a distressing and almost painful connotation,as the result of an unsuccessful attempt.The term success and failure have been skewed ,by the conditioning of today's generation ,as antonyms .Failure even defined by Merriam Webster dictionary ,"a lack of success",or "omission of occurrence or performance."

Failure should be viewed as a learning experience,not a justification quitting.This is shown throughout the life of an artist,who had dropped out of school at the age of 16,and could not remain employed at a newspaper company for "lacking imagination,"and "having no original ideas".This young man proceeded in building one of the most celebrated animation and production companies in the world.His name was Walt Disney.

Failure that is practice is a step taken in progress.It should be viewed as an opportunity to gain form.After a lesson is learned form the failure ,the search for knowledge and answers should continue.Henry Ford once said,"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again.This time is more intelligently".

Sunday 27 January 2019

"Incredible Change Happens In Your Life When You Decide To Take Control Of What You Do Have Power Over Instead Of Craving Control Over What You Don't." - Steve Maraboli.

Life's is all about change! How easy it sounds to say, to hear, but we all do know what it actually takes in real life. In everyone's journey of growing old the main thing a human adapts is nothing but experience and that experience come from change. Change leaves different impact on different person.

Changes in anyone's life will either be professional or personal and may be both..if anyone who feels like changes are just for making one's conditions worse then its not the truth the thing is changes will be the part of a person forever and what we should do is learn that why we are in this condition and get lessons from them and implement those facts there after. Many people don't have the idea or basically the strength that how to deal with so much of transformation or get remolded because they are afraid ,scared and that's the reason people do avoid changes in their life.

Changes are not always terrifying but sometimes its the only thing we demands,but similarly in the opposite way we just wants things to go on with flow and without any modification. We should learn how to face situations which we never wanted in our life. First of all what we should understand is nothing is in our control especially when it comes to reconditioning of situations. The more we'll resist ourselves from changes the more we'll break ourselves. The things we should avoid is overthinking this is the main root of any problem either it is related to professional life or personal life. We should always keep a cool head and let things go on with the flow because whatever is happening it will happen no matter what. We should make ourselves realize that is inevitable so we need to get used to it. And last but not the least we should open new doors of life by celebrating change.

Saturday 26 January 2019

To change your life,You need to change your priorities.

Seems like pretty easy and basic advice – and should be simple to follow, right? WRONG!

We all know what we SHOULD do. Logically we recognize that if we don’t care for ourselves, we will be in no position to take care of anyone else.Concentrating on yourself is not selfish it just means that you are only doing things when it fits in with your lifestyle and adds meaningful value to your daily routine.Life should be a happy adventure but if you are giving too much and getting nothing in return then it might be that your priorities need to change.On airplanes they tell you, before takeoff, to put the oxygen mask on YOURSELF first. Only then can you help those around you.How can we possibly expect to be there for those we love and who depend on us when we aren’t really at our best?

Some priorities that you can look at changing are listed below if you want to change your life starting today
  • Start saying no if you don’t have the time or the inclination to do things. It is a really hard thing to do but sometimes No is the correct answer.
  • Start saying yes more to things in your life that could add massive value as you will get more enjoyment out of life
  • Prioritize your parents first and foremost. They will be the most important things in your life and need your time and commitment so they should be the top of your list.
  • Realize that time goes very quickly so don’t put off your ideas or dreams, make these a priority because they will change your life.
  • Become organized with everything you do through good time management practices. Although it sounds boring following lists you will feel more accomplished when you start ticking things of your list.

Thursday 24 January 2019

If you can't work for what you want in life then don't cry over it.

I know you have a dream inside you. There is something you want in life.
Everyone has this question inside their heads, ‘Can I be successful?’ ‘Can I be a multi-millionaire?’
But instead of providing you with an answer I want to ask you a question, ‘Are you working for what you want and giving in all that you have got?’
If the answer to this question is ‘YES’, then you are on the right path, but if the answer to this question is ‘NO’, then I am afraid, you cannot be successful neither can you have multi million with your present attitude.

Tell me one thing, did you really believe that you can achieve your dreams and the life you desire by doing what you are doing. You waste your time with your friends, you waste your time messaging 10 different girls on facebook and Whatsapp, but you don’t have time to work for your dreams. If you really want to achieve your goals then you have to quit all these habits which distract you from you goals.

The biggest problem with you is that you lack direction. Yes, it is really true; the biggest reason why you have not achieved your goal or failed to achieve your goal is because you don’t have the right direction. Most people work really hard but in a wrong direction. It is like you are studying in a law college and expecting an engineering degree after 4/5 years. Get a proper direction in life; read a lot of books. Read about the people who have already achieved what you want to achieve. Don’t see the success of your mentors; instead, see how much they had to struggle to reach to the top. If you want to earn money, then find out ways to earn money. Work hard for whatever you want to be in your life. Work as if, someone else is working 24 hours a day to take all that you want away from you.

                 WORK HARD! STAY MOTIVATED!

Wednesday 23 January 2019

"Boys Are Not Robots ! They Too Have Feeling And Emotion They Just Don't Show , Boys Do Cry."

From ages in our country girls are raised as to be the one who can have much emotions, who can have feelings and they can be meant to be the inferior as compared to the opposite sex. Our country now almost have changed their mind set that girls are not weaker than any other one, but that doesn't mean that we people still have understood what we should understand, and similarly for boys we people have some other rules, where a girl is given sympathy for having emotional breakdowns, boys are brought up with the thought that they are the strongest in any field whether its a physical one or a emotional one.
Why people do have the right to decide what we should follow?.. Ain't we do have our own thoughts ?..Ain't we should think the difference between what is acceptable and what not ?..
Where people now are able to partially understand what a girl deserves why they are not able to understand that they are not allowed to set norms for boys.. Where a girl now is being treated equally with boys why don't we treat boys equally with girls..Why girls now have become so strength full that they can even be equal to boys..,and why not boys can have emotions just as girls do have ?..,questions like this couldn't be answered but should be understood from within..
We should understand that boys too do have emotions even they cry and this is not at all shameful in any possible way,.. boys are just a human being and they too have their sentiments and everyone should understand this and take it as it is..

Monday 21 January 2019

Love Yourself.It is important to stay positive because beauty comes form the inside out.

Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them.They stay focused on their past successes rather than their past failures,and on the next action steps they need to take to get them closer to the fulfillment of their goals rather than all the other distractions that life presents to them.What you feel inside reflects on your be happy and stay positive all the time.
Struggle to improve if their is something in you ,which you don't like and can't bear try to remove that. Try to improve yourself .It could be anything .For example the way you talk and your communication skills. If that is the problem then practice talking.Practice makes a man perfect and in this case a woman too!so practice and you will improve.Likewise,if you don't like the way the way you look because of the fact that you are fat,and then try to get rid of those few extra pounds to love yourself.If may take in a little effort but you will gain a lot of satisfaction. And that is what you need to love yourself and live a satisfied life!
Appreciate yourself at every achievement of yours. No matter how small it is,its an achieve.
Dropping negative attitudes goes a long way towards helping you with almost every problem in life.A positive approach can help you to love yourself too! You will feel well about yourself and others if you look at things in a more positive light. so try to adopt this approach!

"If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude."- Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou very beautifully portrayed the essence of a happy, successful life with this quote.Life is beautiful and we must learn the art of enjoying it. It is a fact that no journey is complete with its fair share of ups and downs and same is true for each and everyone of our journey. In the journey of life, there will be numerous times when you will feel defeated or dejected.Never allow the situation to get the better of you. Instead change the way to look at it from a different angle, a different perspective and that will certainly help you get through it, if not change it.
So step ahead have the courage to change the things that you don't like.😌

Sunday 20 January 2019

"When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it."

Some people never reach the end of their goal no matter what it is. Why is that? It is because they come up against a roadblock or obstacle and can't figure out how to get over or out of the problem. They become stuck in the problem. 
Unfortunately, with these types of people, they conclude that it is not possible to overcome the challenge and end of quitting. 

For other types of people, they start out with a burst of energy and the longer they travel forward the less their commitment. Oftentimes, these types of people fizzle out never finishing what they started. So, why is that? For some, it is simply a matter that they become bored, or that they see no real value in continuing. Could it be that these types of people never really wanted what they dreamed about badly enough, or what they dreamed about lost its significance. Maybe, it is that they were simply looking for the right thing and thought they found it but the further they went, the less the desired goal was right for them.

For other people, their commitment is so strong, their passion so deep that it wouldn't matter if a thousand roadblocks were cast their way they would succeed in completing their goal. For these types of people, there is never a problem that cannot be surmounted; never an issue that is too big to climb over; or never a doubt that they will accomplish what they originally set out to do. 

"The things you want are always possible; it is just that the way to get them is not always apparent. The only real obstacle in your path to a fulfilling life is you, and that can be a considerable obstacle because you carry the baggage of insecurities and past experience."Les Brown

Saturday 19 January 2019

"Treat everyone with kindness and respect, even those who are rude to you - not because they are nice, but because you are." -Marcandangel.

Treat everyone with love and respect because we have no idea what people are going through in their life.As life now has taken everyone to the point that we don't have time to think about anyone else but that doesnot mean that we do have the right to judge any people according to our own opinion ?,..No. If we want to know how others treat us , the best starting place is to look at how we treat others.And if we don't like the way we're treated, there's only one option to change our own action, our own behaviour because we can't change others behaviour or action but can change ours of course.

Now obviously a question may pop in our head that why being kind, being polite , being nice is so important ? The answer is no that's not important but just imagine a world full of dolt. Where everyone treats others in mean and disrespectful way and each and everyone being judged for their circumstances...obviously no one want things to be like that. So lets start things from ourselves lets do the beginning and expects nothing in return.But sometimes we all have to express negative feelings and tell people something that may upset them. After all at the end of the day we all do have the need to be admired,loved and respected so we also need something in return but you can't demand for it so lets do it for others and this may give us one of the best feeling in the world's and also it may become our habit and practice .

Friday 18 January 2019

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” —Aristotle.

When we talk about the education of children, we often concentrate on their intellectual formation, or maybe on the development of the skills and essential virtues needed for the formation of their character. However, we often forget one of the most important components of education in the family: education of the heart.

Aristotle said that “educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” But, what do we mean when we speak of educating the heart? In short, it means educating in love and for love. It also means that our children’s emotions should matter more to us than their knowledge of geography or mathematics, because it is these emotions that will serve as a driving force for their personal development and that will lead them to happiness.

Thursday 17 January 2019

'Everyday may not be good, but there is something good in everyday'.

With life being so busy😕, then we forget about the little moments that took our breath away.

Someone could be having the lousiest day ever and the day would have felt as if nothing good came out of it, but if you stop and really reflect on the day then you would remember something good came out of it. It might not have been the biggest thing or something you feel is silly and not counted as good enough to mention.

Did that moment make you feel good? Whether it be as simple as getting a cup of coffee because you haven’t had coffee in a long time or at the end of a long day soaking in a relaxing bubble bath that made you feel good then that is considered something good to have happened in your day. Don’t rule out the little moments because those moments are just as important as the big moments and it was something that made you feel good even if it was quick or something small.
That significant moment made you feel good and that’s what it all comes down to. When you felt you had nothing good happen but there was something. Take comfort in knowing this.😊😁